If a loved one has died, contact the parish office and our Bereavement Team will work with you to plan the funeral. Please contact the church office at 321-254-1595 x 3050.
Click here for our Funeral Planning Booklet.
Click here for this information in a PDF.
The Ascension Memorial Garden was established and blessed to honor the memory of our loved ones. It is a beautiful place of prayer and dignity for our faithful departed.
The Diocese of Orlando Memorial Garden Cemetery Rules and Regulations are adhered to by the Ascension Memorial Garden Ministry. They oversee the management and perpetuity of the area. Keeping our garden beautiful, quiet and peaceful is a meaningful way to express our love for those interred in the garden.
For more information on the Ascension Memorial Garden and the Interment of cremated remains please contact or visit the Ascension Catholic Church Office at 321-254-1595 ext 1.