Grades Pre-K to 5, Parish Faith Formation Program (Rel. Ed.)

The Faith Formation program is a ministry to children (grades PreK3 to 5) who attend public school or are home-schooled. We are excited to partner with our families as we all grow in faith together. We seek to become better disciples of Jesus through our Catechesis of the Good Shepherd sessions (Montessori based faith formation model) and our God’s Plan in Scripture (GPS sessions).

The Office of Faith Formation coordinates the preparation sessions for children entering into their First Reconciliation and First Eucharist. Click here for more information.

For information, contact Betsy Glasenapp, Director of Elementary Faith Formation, at 321-254-1595 ext 3080 or

2024-2025 Formation Year

We are excited to partner with our families as we all grow in faith together. We seek to become better disciples through our Catechesis of the Good Shepherd sessions (Montessori based faith formation model) and our God’s Plan in Scripture (GPS sessions). Elementary Faith Formation focuses on the needs of our youth from PreK3 to 5th grade. We invite those in 6th – 8th grade to join our EDGE Ministry and those in 9th to 12th grade to participate in our LIFETEEN Youth Ministry.


2024-2025 Faith Formation Handbook

Click on the image for a PDF of the Calendar.


Registration Information - Click here to print the registration forms and return completed registration forms to the Faith Formation Office via snail mail, "church mail" or the collection pillars at Mass or by dropping them in the mail slot of the Parish Office door. NOTE: Wednesday 4 pm Classes are CLOSED. TUESDAY 4 PM and WEDNESAY 6 PM are still options.

Questions or concerns, especially about fees? Please contact Betsy Glasenapp in the Office of Faith Formation at 254-1595 x3080. You can also e-mail Betsy at


Volunteer Information – If you love God and love children and would like to volunteer with our in person faith formation sessions during the 2024-2025 year, contact Betsy Glasenapp in the Office of Faith Formation at 254-1595 x3080 or by e-mail at

Resources for Our Families


Connecting to the Gospel at Home


Family Resources from Catechesis of the Good Shepherd USA

Level 1 Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
- Click here for more information on Liturgical Colors/Calendar and celebrating the seasons at home (the links in the document may not work but the information is timeless!)

Level 2 Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
- Mass and the Elementary Student reflection as we focus on the altar

Grades 4-6 - GPS God's Plan in Scripture

- To follow up on the classes, we invite you to view the following at home between sessions: 

- Books of the Old Testament (Catholic) 
- "Covenants" by the Bible Project
- Abraham's Sacrifice
- Superbook - The Ten Commandments


Prayer Booklet - Grade level resources and prayers our classes are working to learn by heart 

Circles of Grace Introductory Video - this is the safe environment program that we are implemented in the Diocese of Orlando 2019-2020.


Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS)

The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) is a faith formation process which allows your child to experience God through hands on presentations of Scripture, Liturgy, and the Sacraments.  Unlike a traditional classroom, the child in CGS is allowed to choose which lesson material s/he would like to work with in the specially prepared classroom called the Atrium. There are no textbooks or tests in CGS.  Our prayer is that the Holy Spirit will open the child’s eyes and heart to the Good News of Jesus Christ as s/he works with mustard seeds, a miniature merchant and pearl, or prepares the Chalice with water and wine.  Learn more by going to the CGSUSA (the United States Association for CGS) website.

We offer CGS for two different age groups - Level 1 for 3-6 year olds and Level 2 for 6-8 yr olds.  Each level lasts 3 years, and each year we take your child deeper and deeper into this experience, according to his or her readiness. 

In Level 1 we focus on the great, unconditional love of Jesus the Good Shepherd.  In Level 2 we go deeper into the lessons from Level 1, focusing on Jesus the True Vine - the community and interconnectedness of followers of Christ.  We explore the Moral Parables and begin in depth preparation for Reconciliation and First Communion.  If preparing for either of these sacraments, your child will be required to attend the special Sacramental Preparation classes offered by the Faith Formation ministry.


Liturgical Colors Song

Advent Song - Light 1 Candle


CGS Songs Playlist on YouTube created by a generous soul


 Additional Information for our Catechists and Volunteers.