Pastoral Council

What is a parish pastoral council?

The Parish Council is a group of twelve parishioners assembled by the pastor to provide input from members of the parish on how they stand on various issues affecting the parish.   It provides help to the pastor in fostering pastoral activities by investigating situations and ideas, reflecting on them, and proposing potential solutions and improvements.  The Parish Council aids the parish in strengthening and carrying out the parish priorities of Liturgy, Faith Formation, Evangelization, and Outreach.  

The council’s role is advisory to the pastor and does not have a decision-making role.  

Introducing the 12 Members of Ascension’s parish pastoral council

Grant Haas
Florence Heidel
Catherine Key – ex officio, representing parish finance committee
Andy Lee - chair
Cathy Rossi McDougall
Quan Huy Nguyen
Marsha Raynor – vice chair
Dave Reeve
Deacon Tom Stauffacher
Claudia Stokes – ex officio, representing Ascension Catholic School
Tony Taylor
Joy Turingan - secretary

The council can be contacted via email at   Parishioners may talk with any PPC member after mass, or set up a convenient time to talk in person or by phone.    

Regular meetings of the Council are held every other month, with no meetings scheduled in July or August, on the church campus. All parishioners are welcome to attend, and exact meeting dates, times, and locations are published in the parish bulletin. Parishioners may present short comments and suggestions during a period of open forum provided for in the meeting agenda. Parishioners having longer topics for discussion should provide a written statement of the idea or concern to the PPC chairperson or secretary at least 10 days prior to a scheduled meeting for consideration of discussion or other disposition.