Liturgical Ministries




When Catholics come together to give praise, honor and worship to God, they are engaging in God’s most important work. Liturgy means the work of the people. The Church tells us: …”the liturgy is the summit toward which the activity of the Church is directed; at the same time it is the font from which all her power flows..”



In order for our parish worship to be the source and summit it takes many people to do the work God has called us to do to ensure the worship of our parish family is the best it can be.


  • This ministry is open to young people grades 5 on up for the purpose of assisting the priest throughout the celebration of the liturgy. Training is required to be an altar server. Parental permission is also required. For more information contact Deacon Chris Meehan at


  • Persons who lead the deaf ministry during Mass are responsible for signing (using sign language) all that takes place during the liturgy—the songs, readings, homily and ritual elements of the Mass.  If you know sign language and are interested in this ministry please contact Sachi Davis at 321-720-3652 (voice/text), or email Click here to learn more about our Deaf Ministry.


  • Catholic adults who are committed to the ministry and complete a formation program by the Diocese assist in the distribution of communion at Mass.  Training for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion is provided periodically throughout the year by the Diocese.  Extraordinary ministers of communion must be confirmed.  Ministers are scheduled according to Mass preference. For more information contact Frank Conley: (321-255-2392)


  • Lectors proclaim the Word of God at Sunday liturgy and at other parish liturgical celebrations. Lectors are scheduled according to Mass preference if availability at the preferred Mass exists. Since a specific skill is required to proclaim God’s Word at Mass, a preliminary assessment and training is required. For more information contact Katie Gander (254-1595 x3068) or Ralph Turingan (321-960-5442) You can also contact Lyn Becker at for scheduling and other information. 


  • Ministers of the Sick are trained and commissioned to represent our Church community by visiting and bringing the Holy Eucharist to those of our parish family who are sick, elderly or homebound and unable to be present at Mass. The Diocese of Orlando provides special training for this ministry and requires that all ministers complete the diocesan fingerprinting and safe environment program. If you are interested in this ministry, please contact the parish office.


  • 9:30 Mass Adult Choir: Rehearsal for our adult choir takes place at 7:00 on Thursdays in the church. Our parish choir sings together, prays together and is committed to assisting the full participation of the community in praising God through the sung prayer of the Sunday Liturgy.  Men and women needed!  For more information or if interested in joining the choir please contact Katie Gander 254-1595 x3068 ( or just come to rehearsal on a Thursday night.
  • Youth Choir: A choir that serves at a different mass once a month with elementary school age students. Only requirement being that the child is proficient in reading, mostly 3rd to 5th graders are involved. Youth Choir rehearses at 3:30pm on Tuesdays in the church. The Youth Choir is a fun outlet for young people who love to make music, and is also educating young Catholics on our church's liturgy by letting them lead worship for the whole community! Contact Katie Gander at 321-254-1595 x3068 or
  • Cantors:  Cantors lead the sung prayer of the community at all the Masses on Sunday. They are also proclaimers of God’s Word since it is their role to proclaim the Responsorial Psalm (Sacred Scripture) from the ambo.  A strong singing voice and ability to lead an assembly are requirements for this ministry. Cantors are scheduled according to Mass preference. Since a specific skill is required to lead the singing at Mass a preliminary assessment and training is required and the person must be available to come to choir rehearsal the week before he or she is scheduled to cantor. For more information contact Katie Gander (254-1595 x3068) (
  • 5:30pm Mass Contemporary Music Ministry is a ministry that is committed to the sung worship of the Mass. These musician servants seeks to serve our community every Sunday at the 5:30pm mass. Their goal is to bring the community closer to Christ through music. Seasoned electric guitarists and pianists are always needed since the youth often leave us as they go off to college. For more information contact Ashley Breaux  (321-254-1595 x3077) (


  • Sacristans are caretakers of all the necessary tasks required to prepare for the celebration of the Eucharistic liturgy such as preparation of the altar, vessels and the many and varied tasks which need to be accomplished before and after the liturgy. Contact Fr. John Bosco 321-254-1595 ext. 3070. 


  • The Ministry of Usher is a very important ministry of hospitality.  Ushers are often the first person that people (parishioners and newcomers) encounter when they come to Mass.  Ushers assist in preparation for liturgy, they assist people in finding an appropriate place to sit, and they take up the collection. The only requirement is to have a sense of the importance of welcoming God’s people and the desire to serve your fellow parishioners as they gather for Sunday liturgy. For more information contact Mary Russo at (321) 254-1595 x3078 or