40 Cans for Lent!

The Knights of Columbus Martin B. Power Council 14573 is challenging all parishioners to join them in their 40 CANS FOR LENT food drive. The plan is simple: purchase and donate one can of food per day for the 40 days during the Lenten season starting Ash Wednesday, March 6, and ending Good Friday, April 19. Donations can be brought in all at once or weekly. Put the cans in the baskets already designated for food collection. Our goal is to increase the donations given to our food pantry while living the Gospel value of feeding the hungry.

To accept this challenge, please contact Doug Blair at (321) 412-2191 so your generous donations can be tracked. You can also sign up at the Friday Night Fish Fries, or in the Parish Hall after the Sunday morning Masses. Our goal this year is 10,000 cans. Thank You.