Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP) - Retreat Weekend for Men and Women

Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP) is a retreat weekend for men and women, presented by previous participants of CRHP.   These retreats are held twice each year in the Fall and Spring.  Talks (or witnesses) are given by team members who share their Christian journey experience.   They also facilitate discussions with the retreatants who can share as much or as little as they want (no one is pressured to share).  There is no cost for participation although donations are welcome to defray the cost of the weekend.

For information, contact the parish office 321-254-1595 or email

What past attendees of CRHP retreats have said about the weekend.

 “This weekend really changed my life.”

 “Even though I am a lifelong Catholic and go to Mass every Sunday, I really loved this weekend. It was a wonderful way for me to deepen my faith and meet some wonderful men from every walk of life.”

 “I resisted going to the weekend for years.  But I am sure glad that I finally went.  It was a terrific way for me to renew my faith and meet a bunch of parishioners that I had never seen before.”

 “Previous to CRHP, I really didn’t feel a part of the parish.  But now I feel very much a part of it.  It is so great to go to church on Sunday and worship with some of my CRHP brothers and sisters.”

“I have learned to love Jesus more and enjoy reading my Bible now.”

 “The spiritual growth I have gained by attending CRHP has been amazing!”