Win 2 ROUND-TRIP SOUTHWEST AIRLINE TICKETS (VALUED AT $800.00) valid through May 22, 2018. (The tickets are good for 4 one-way (or 2 roundtrip) transportation on Southwest-operated, published and schedule services.)Â All proceeds will go to Ascension Catholic Social Concerns.
Chances will be available after all Masses weekends of 7/16 AND 7/23. Drawing will be held after the 5:30 Sunday Mass, 7/23/2017.
Chances are a donation of $10.00 each or 6 for $50.00. You do not need to be present to win.
Thank you, Chris Quiroz, and Southwest Airlines’ Ticket for Time program for donating these tickets to Ascension Catholic Social Concerns. Thanks to you and your family for all your volunteer hours. We are blessed to have you and your family as part of our Ascension community.