Family Promise

Celebrate Christmas by serving families without homes.
Our Family Promise guests will be here soon! Just as Mary and Joseph sought shelter in Bethlehem, there are families without homes who will be safe with us this Christmas, thanks to all of you. Please check our Signup Genius for donations and volunteers to see how you can help. We especially need help on Christmas Day. Hosting slots are just 2 hours to allow our volunteers time to spend with their families. Please keep us in your prayers. God bless you!

Sign up to Volunteer by clicking here

Sign up to give Donations/Food by clicking here

We will be outside Church the weekend of Dec. 15-16 to recruit volunteers and accept donations of non-perishable items and food. Perishable items should be brought to Church the morning of December 23, before or after your morning Mass. Volunteers will be outside Church to accept them.