Greetings Church Family, This past Sunday, the Fourth Sunday of Lent we had online Mass. The following are some comments from parishioners who very much appreciated having Mass from their own parish. Greg Santos writes: Father Eamon, I want to thank yourself and the parish staff for placing the Mass on YouTube, and creating a YouTube channel. It was great! Rosa, Carolina and I watched the Mass on our television thanks to YouTube and our Apple TV box. We listened, kneeled, prayed and sang, as if we were in church. Although not the same, we all felt that it was a good experience, and we were able to take from it some prayers, reflection, and an overall good feeling that the Holy Spirit was with us. Greg also mentioned that he and his family had a copy of the Spiritual Communion Prayer that they prayed at Communion time. See this prayer below. Suzy Kahn writes: Ever since Masses were cancelled and the Adoration Chapel was closed, I’ve been feeling lost and confused spiritually. I’ve been doing my prayers and all, but being ‘cut off’ from my ‘spiritual power source’ had left me almost in a state of mourning. But early this morning I jumped into the Ascension Channel in YouTube, and seeing your smiling face leading us all during Sunday Mass was so uplifting, I’m still high in the Spirit. Thank you SO MUCH for going through all the trouble to set this up for us, for feeding us spiritually, for keeping our hopes up. We are so blessed to have you as our pastor!! Jim and Joanne Voltaire write: I just wanted to let you and your staff know how much Jim and I appreciated and loved having the Mass on video. It was very nice to see OUR PASTOR AND OUR CHURCH in the video and we felt very comfortable (under the circumstances) going to Sunday mass. It made it very comfortable and I think better than seeing the Mass on TV from priests and people we don't know. You really made our day, we are praying every day for everyone and a quick recovery to this virus and do appreciate the extra miles you always go for the parishioners in this community. We really miss going to church and all the connections we have with everyone at the church, so this was a much needed refresher course for us. Thank you and God Bless you. Stay safe at this time. Florence Heidel writes: Thank you so much for celebrating Mass with us via social media. It brought tears to my eyes to see you all. I miss my church family and felt very connected to my church family. Pray to see you all soon. Stay healthy and you’re in my prayers! People also let us know that they appreciated receiving the small bottle of blessed Holy Water that we left outside the main door of the church. We have ordered 300 more bottles. On the Holy Water – Giuseppe (Joe) Tocco writes: As you know I have bilateral cochlear implants. Today, 4th Sunday of Lent was the first day in 10 years I could hear every word of every song, every word of the readings and your homily. Also last evening I stopped by church and picked up a couple of bottles of Holy Water, the house blessing prayer and bulletins for my condo neighbors. Today my wife Elaine called others, not Catholics but Christians and 10 more were so thankful that she called and asked us to drop off holy water and prayer cards. I’m at church now and all Holy Water is gone. I’ll run some copies of the prayer card and use the holy water that I have to bless their condos with them. “God has a plan!” I did encourage Joe and Elaine to keep sprinkling all their non-Catholic friends with Holy Water. One never knows what might happen. :-) Below is the Act of Spiritual Communion. An Act of Spiritual Communion My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen. |