Dec. 19th & 20th Weekend

Happy Fourth Sunday of Advent!!
Click on images for Dec. 19th & 20th Info


Advent Confessions Special

We will have two more opportunities for Confession on Monday, December 21st at 12 noon and 4:00 pm. If naming sins is an issue for you, please do not let that be a problem, just come and say you are sorry for all the sins of your life – the ones you remember, the ones you have forgotten and the ones you are not even aware of.

Mark Your Calendars

Sunday, December 19th

  • Sunday Rosary at 7:00 pm. Join Father Eamon praying the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary with the Hymel family. Join us via our website or YouTube Channel. Together we will honor Jesus and Our Blessed Mother in prayer.

Monday, December 20th

Wednesday, December 23rd
  • 7:00 pm - JOIN Paul Rousseau and team facilitating Small Christian Communities via ZOOM! Join as a group in your own private room! Join as a family! Join as an individual. Join via Zoom, Join via livestream on our website or YouTube Channel. See the bulletin for details

Remember, our Adoration Chapel is open. Contact Lyn Becker if you would like to spend an hour in adoration. Click here to e-mail 

Sign up now for 2021 by clicking the image!

KJ Baker

May they rest in peace and 

their memory be a blessing to all who knew them.

Overflow in the Hall with Holy Communion available at the 4:30 Vigil and Sunday 9:30 Masses

We are so grateful that so many people are attending Mass in person again. We are committed to the health and safety of our community and thus will be keeping our church capacity at 25% or 250 people. Those who arrive at the 4:30 pm Saturday Vigil Mass and the 9:30 am Sunday Mass after we have reached capacity, will be invited to attend Mass in our overflow area in the Parish Hall. Our Mass will be streamed to the TV's in the Hall and Holy Communion will be brought over by Ministers of Holy Communion. For our other Masses, we recommend that you arrive early to be seated inside the Church.