We are happy to report that the Children's Hunger Project Team at Ascension continues to pack and distribute 400 meal packets each week to the Brevard Public Schools food distribution sites at Creel and Sabal. This is 4x the usual 100 we normally give out. As of this Friday we will have given out 2,200 meals since the end of March!
That is the Good News and it is Great News.
The challenging news is that this wonderful Outreach Ministry is in need of more funds. We will give $1,000 from our parish tithe. Fr Eamon is going to give $250. If you are in a position to help send your big or small donation to please send you’re your donation to the Children's Hunger Project directly either online at thechildrenshungerproject.org or by mailing donations to:
The Children's Hunger Project 1855 West King Street Cocoa, FL 32926
We are very grateful to Mary Blucker and her volunteers for coordinating this wonderful outreach to children in our backyard.
Thank you also to all who are continuing to support our Food Pantry through food and monetary donations.
Thank you to the Knights of Columbus in the United States of America who are giving $1 million dollars to Food Banks around the country and providing volunteers for relief efforts. Our parish Knights are an amazing part of this national organization. |