We are an Easter people and "Alleluia" is our song!
We thank all of you who have been sharing our celebration of Sunday Mass with others at home and abroad. We encourage you to share this Easter Sunday Mass with other family members, friends, neighbors and coworkers so that they will join with us in a joyful celebration of the Lord's Resurrection!!
Click here to celebrate Easter Mass with the Ascension Catholic Community. A big THANK YOU to John Baillie, Anna Nagy and Sterling Warner who work hard to make these video Masses available. Thank you also to Clare St. Gabriel who signs this Mass (and the past ones as well).
We are in the process of changing our sound system. You may notice some glitches such as the unintentional omission of the Collect or Opening Prayer. We continue to welcome any suggestions you may have on how we can improve our video Mass.
If you normally do not attend Church regularly, please know that going forward, our Sunday Mass will continue to be available on our website-- www.ascensioncatholic.net.
While we are sorry that we had to postpone the Baptism of 17 Elect (unbaptized persons) and the Reception of 16 Candidates (already baptized) into Full Communion with our Church Family, we are very glad that we did not have to resort to Sr Immaculata’s (Sorry, Fr Murphy’s) social distancing form of Baptism. ;-)
Father Eamon's Humor From Ireland Pat and Mike were sitting in a pub. Pat said to Mike, "Did you hear about the two new words everyone is using?" "No, what are they?" said Mike. "Social Distancing." After pausing for a moment, Mike said, "Sounds to me like a polite way of saying, 'buzz off'!"