More Opportunities to Love

Opportunities to Share Love

"I give you a new commandment: love one another.
As I have loved you, so you also should love one another.
This is how all will know that you are my disciples,
if you have love for one another." 
John 13:34-35 

Thank you from Ascension Social Concerns!
Thank you to everyone who is continuing to drop off donations either in the brown bins outside the front doors of the church or at the rear door of the Food Pantry (1238 Aurora Rd.) Mon – Fri, 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Thank you especially for the canvas shopping bags you donated after our request last week. Your love is amazing!
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Thank you from the Children's Hunger Project!

Thank you everyone for your continued support of the Children's Hunger Project and for feeding hungry children in our area. Pictured here are CHP volunteers Ellen and Dave Roussel distributing food at Creel Elementary last week.
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Blood Mobile
The Big Red Bus (also known as the Blood Mobile) will be at Ascension Catholic Church on Tuesday, May 5th from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. You will need to go online and set up a donation appointment so that all the proper safety protocols can be maintained.

Click here for the flyer!
Sign up here:


Letters of Hope and Love
Thank you to everyone who has already dropped off letters, cards and drawings for seniors in one of the many senior nursing facilities in our community. Be sure to take the opportunity to write an encouraging letter/note/card and drop it by the church by May 3rd. Click here for more information.

These are just some opportunities we know of in our community. If you know of other, please e-mail us (by clicking here) and let us know. We are trying to keep our Covid-19 Response page updated with this information as well as other information.

Thank you to our parishioner Mary who sent us information about State Representative Randy Fine's outreach.
Randy Fine’s (state Rep) office is teaming up with Farm Share and giving away  500  household bags of food first come first serve on on several occasions in May in addition to his first outreach on April 25th. These drive through events are at his office on 2539 Palm Bay Rd NE suite 5– event from 10am- noon. There is an event scheduled for May 2nd which will need volunteers beginning at 8AM to help bundle the food for easy distribution.  if you are willing to assist, please email