Nov. 28th & 29th Weekend

Happy First Sunday of Advent!!
Click on images for Nov. 28th & 29th Info

Overflow in the Hall with Holy Communion available at the 4:30 Vigil and Sunday 9:30 Masses

We are so grateful that so many people are attending Mass in person again. We are committed to the health and safety of our community and thus will be keeping our church capacity at 25% or 250 people. Those who arrive at the 4:30 pm Saturday Vigil Mass and the 9:30 am Sunday Mass after we have reached capacity, will be invited to attend Mass in our overflow area in the Parish Hall. Our Mass will be streamed to the TV's in the Hall and Holy Communion will be brought over by Ministers of Holy Communion. For our other Masses, we recommend that you arrive early to be seated inside the Church.

Advent Resources on our Website

Be sure to check out our website for links to Advent and Christmas Information

  • Feast of the Immaculate Conception Mass times
  • Advent Penance Service Schedules
  • Season of Advent resources for prayers and traditions
  • Busted Halo's online 2020 Calendar.
  • Christmas Mass Schedules

Sharing God's Love During the Holidays

Thank you to all who have reached out last week to give Christmas to children in foster care or whose families are in crisis.

There is still time to donate to our adjusted ANGEL TREE. 
Instead of asking parishioners to shop for a specific child, we are seeking donations in order to purchase gift cards for our many families in need. We will be accepting donations beginning now through December 1. Parents will receive gift cards for their children by early December to allow them time to shop before Christmas. All donations can be mailed to the Ascension Church office or dropped in the collection basket. Make checks payable to "Ascension Social Concerns" noting "Angel Tree" in the memo line.


A very generous donor has gifted Social Concerns and our Food Pantry with a large gift. The only condition of this gift, is to challenge our community to raise $25,000 for Social Concerns by December 31, 2020. We are happy to report that, as of this posting, we have received $28,100 in donations with a generous gift of $5,000 received after the 11:30 am Mass last week. A big Thank You to all of you who have helped to exceed our goal.

Mark Your Calendars

Sunday, November 29th

  • Our Adoration Chapel Opens TODAY!!! Contact Lyn Becker if you would like to spend an hour in adoration.Click here to e-mail8eb3b81c-b7c3-41c0-a89f-fdab75208744.jpg
  • Sunday Rosary at 7:00 pm. Join Father Eamon and the Seefelt family praying the glorious mysteries for the First Sunday of Advent. Join us via our website or YouTube Channel. Together we will honor Jesus and Our Blessed Mother in prayer.
Wednesday, December 2nd

Sign up now for 2021 by clicking the image!

James Thorstad Sr., father of Barbara Warwick

 May they rest in peace and 

their memory be a blessing to all who knew them.