Third Sunday of Easter

Dear Church Family,

In this e-mail you will find

  • Third Sunday of Easter Info

  • Say "YES"

  • Moments of Inspiration


Third Sunday of Easter Resources

Thanks to those who have shared in our Parish Picture Challenge!
"How are you preparing your space to celebrate the Mass?"
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(Palm Sunday Mass from Lyn Becker and family & Family Prayer table in front of the TV with a candle lit for Mass from the home of Chris, Cindy, Brian, Sean, Colin, Ian and Karen Kelly.)
We would love to see how our parish family is celebrating even if we're distant from each other. Take a minute to snap one this coming Sunday and send it to! Keep watching our website and Facebook page to see how we still are praying as an Ascension family.

Your key links for this weekend
Other Notes
  • Three options for Daily Mass (Pope Francis, EWTN and Word on Fire Chapel) are posted on our Parish Covid-19 Response page
  • Father Eamon and Father Martin are available if someone needs to talk about something, for confession and for the sacrament of the sick. They will sit 6 feet apart.
  • Our weekly Mass is taped on Tuesday. Please keep this in mind when you join us for Mass. Things may happen between Tuesday and Sunday which we would not be able to address in our homily or Prayers of the Faithful.
  • Please be aware that we do depend on you to help us get the word out about our weekly Mass and the info on our website. We have found out from our calling of parishioners that not all of our people are aware of our weekly Mass and the communications on our website. So please help us get the word out.

Say "YES"

Small Christian Communities are forming now!!!

We’re in “shelter at home” mode

and our parish home and our parish family seem impossibly far away.

So, We Gather Virtually!

Any phone can connect you by Free Conference Call or Zoom.

And it’s Free!

You can connect to talk only OR with smart phone or computer you can be present visually as well.

And we will help you connect!

Paul Rousseau will be leading on:

Wednesday evenings at 7 pm beginning April 29 and

Friday afternoons at 1 pm beginning May 1.

Call or email TODAY for your personal invitation and brief instructions on how to ZOOM ON! 321-254-1595 ext 3067 or



RCIA is active and on-going as well!

RCIA is the process through which people inquire about our Catholic faith and join others on the journey to full initiation into the Church.

If you’ve been watching Mass on the television or computer and are interested…

If you’ve thought of inquiring, but never found the time…

If you’re hearing God’s call and want to say Yes!

We are here to welcome you!

Please call or email Laura Dodson at: 321-254-2595 ext. 3067 or

Because together we are better…

Because we are One Body in Christ!


Moments of Inspiration

We at the Church Office would love to know how YOU are doing and what is helping you to cope with this "new normal" that all of us are in. Please feel free to e-mail in response this e-escroll.